"Lisa Spraragen and Josue Perez played with engrossing emotion and skill, their fingers tickling strings as if human digits were always meant to."

Seniors Express Their Passion
Through Dance
November 16, 2018
"The vivacious spirit of their instructor,
Lisa Spraragen, ensures that everyone in attendance is smiling and doing their best to improve their technique."

February 10, 2014
"...fiery, romantic spirit and hypnotic melodies...transcending categories and just having the capacity to move and inspire."

April 24, 2013
"Josué Pérez explayó su talento punteando y acentuando las bordonas con un compás bien marcado al estilo de nuestros mejores tríos.
Lisa Spraragen mostró destreza exquisita en el manejo de las cuerdas agudas, sacándole tremenda resonancia a su guitarra al mejor estilo clásico."